Amid the ongoing conflicts on the film ‘Emergency’, actress Kangana Ranaut has shared a new update about her film. While the actress who earlier mentioned that she is ready to fight with the supreme court to get the unfiltered version released, has now tweeted a fresh update claiming that they ‘are still waiting’.
Actress turned politician in a latest interview disclosed that she will not let them edit the versions and cut the significant roles to show the ‘death of Indira Gandhi’. Now in a recent tweet, Kangana wrote, “With a heavy heart I announce that my directorial Emergency has been postponed, we are still waiting for the certification from censor board, new release date will be announced soon, thanks for your understanding and patience.”
With a heavy heart I announce that my directorial Emergency has been postponed, we are still waiting for the certification from censor board, new release date will be announced soon, thanks for your understanding and patience 🙏
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 6, 2024
Earlier, the film was slated to release in theatres today, on September 6th. However, because the film failed to reach the audiences today, Kangana has come forward with this update. Prior to the release date, the makers struggled to get a thumbs up, while CBFC was busy verifying the film’s scenes and shots.Censor board had demanded several cuts in the film which are not acceptable completely by Ranaut and the makers of ‘Emergency’.
Taking a dig at the opposition party, BJP’s Kangana Ranaut mentioned they are trying to stop the film’s release. In the interaction with Shubhankar Mishra, she publicly requested to let the film release in its uncut version.
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