The iconic comedy trio Marlon, Shawn and Keenen Wayans, collectively and popularly hailed as Wayans Brothers are coming back to their roots for Scary Movie 6, the long-awaited return of their horror-comedy series that first won over audiences in 2000. This marks the first time three brothers have worked on the franchise in more than two decades. Paramount Pictures will handle the movie global release in partnership with Miramax and filming is set to start in early 2025.
The Scary Movie series has always seamlessly blended laughs with horror and Wayans Brothers have set the standard very high with the original movie, spoofing popular films like Scream and The Sixth Sense. The first Scary Movie became a huge box office success, thanks to the brothers’ unique sense of humour. Marlon and Shawn Wayans wrote all five movies, who also starred in first two. While Keenen directed the first two installments.
Marlon Wayans recently posted on social media, teasing Scary Movie fans with epic news, saying, “Last week i said i had a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT to make well here it is…
WE’RE BACK!!! After nearly 20 years, the Wayans brothers are finally going to give the fans what they’ve been asking for… a return to
the SCARY MOVIE franchise!
We’re looking forward to having fun on the big screen again.”
Wayans brothers will write and produce the sixth movie together with producer Rick Alvarez, bringing their unique humour back to theatres.
And fans can’t wait to see the film, even though cast details are still unknown. Meanwhile, the production will begin soon and the release is planned for 2025. With the trio at the helm, viewers can expect a fresh take on horror-comedy that brings both nostalgia and new laughs.
Deadline was the first one to break the news of Wayan Brothers’ return.
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