Bollywood actor Ishan Khatter is all set to make his Hollywood debut in Nicole Kidman’s upcoming project ‘The Perfect Couple’. While the news had gone out a long time back, now a latest picture shared by the actor has successfully broken the internet. Monday saw the London premiere of Ishaan’s debut project at the BFI IMAX Waterloo, London. While the Dhadak actor not only attended the event held in London, he also posed for a picture alongside awesome actors Nicole Kidman and Liev Schriber.
The picture also included other co-actors from the series named Eve Hewson, Jack Reynor, Sam Nivola, and Billy Howle. Fans were excited to see his stylish look while he appeared at the premiere event. His outfit became a reason for everyone’s gaze as he chose to wear a three-piece suit and opted for a corset instead of a waistcoat.
This movie is one big-step in Ishan Khatter’s life as he marks his debut in the Hollywood industry. All the actors including Ishan walked down the red carpet and were snapped by the paps while they posed together in excitement. Pictures from the premiere went viral and fans are all hearts to the entire cast of The Perfect Couple.
The Netflix-series – ‘The Perfect Couple’ is slated to release on September 5. This series is based on the book by Elin Hilderbrand and revolves around the story of Amelia, a girl who is soon to marry into a rich family on Nantucket. Her future mother-in-law, Greer, is a famous author planning a big wedding. But when a dead body is found on the beach, the wedding occasion turns out to be a murder investigation.
The perfect couple also features Meghann Fahy and Dakota Fanning. The entire London event turned out to be a glamorous affair with Netflix enjoying the series premiere with the public present there.
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