Daniel Radcliffe fun facts and things you didn’t know

Here are some of the interesting facts about Daniel Radcliffe that most of us didn’t know.

Even after the end of the Harry Potter series, Daniel Radcliffe ids popular for his character portrayal of the lead character named Harry Potter. He made his debut in the first movie of the Harry Potter series in the year 2001.  The actor has revealed a lot about him in the eight HP movies and the various interviews he has been a part of. 

But, there always are some facts about the person which are known to very less people and here are some of such interesting facts about our favorite actor Daniel Radcliffe.

1) Daniel is big music lover and Eminem’s “The Real Slim Shady” is Daniel’s favorite song and he also prefers going Karaoke with this song.

2) Nugget and Binka are the names of Daniel’s dogs of the border terrier breed.

3) Charlie’s Angels actresse Cameron Diaz was one the early crushes of Daniel amd he has some pictures of Cameron taped on his wall.

4) While having a bath Daniel Radcliffe came to know about getting a break though in the Harry Potter movie.

5) Daniel has kept two of Harry Potter’s glasses with him till date. One from the first movie and other one from the last movie.

6) Daniel Radcliffe is nowhere on Social Media and prefers to keep it the same.

7) Daniel is a patient of Dyspraxia because of which the coordination of  his hand eye is a tad affected.

8) Reciting all the elements from the periodic table is Daniel Radcliff’s Party Trick.

9) Daniel went through 60-70 wands while the making of Harry Potter movies.

10) Daniel secretly published a poetry using a name Jacob Gershon, but years later the secret came to light.