Following a poor start on day 1 with only Rs.1.85 crores net collection, the second day also witnessed a dissatisfying performance in the theatres. Although the box office collection rose up to a limited extent but Ajay Devgn-Tabbu starrer love story continues to be a flop for audience despite of a weekend.
Sacnilk reports the film on Saturday earned a total of 2.15 cr India net collection. This is more than the film’s opening box office collection but the overall ratio is not worth celebrating for the makers. The total Hindi occupancy for the film reached to 10. percent on Saturday, and the overall net box office collection for the film is 4crores only. This is probably Ajay Devgn’s weakest earned movie, in his career after his 2009 film ‘All The Best’ failed to do good on screen.
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Audience seemed to be highly uninterested in watching Ajay and Tabu’s on screen chemistry as presented by Neeraj Pandey. Film critics and moviegoers have only one comment to say that love story is not Pandey’s cup of tea and he shouldn’t get into the same.
Auro Mei Kahan Tha Dum released on August 2nd, facing a clash with director Sudhanshu Dharia’s Ulajh. Both the films had a disastrous start with Auron Mei Kahan Tha Dum doing reasonable good than the Janhvi Kapoor-Gulshan Devaiah starrer political-thriller. After seeing the 2 day reports, there is very least expectation from the film raising bars on Sunday. However, reports are expected to see if the film manages to reach a INR 10cr net collection overall by the three day performance.
Also Read: Box Office Collection Day 1: Auron Me Kaha Dum Tha FAILS To Impress