Many Bollywood celebrities, despite their hectic schedules, rely on nannies to care for their children. Among these stars are well-known names like Kareena Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. While many might not be familiar with Lalita Dsilva, she is widely recognized as the nanny for Kareena Kapoor’s sons, Jeh and Taimur.
Lalita Dsilva has become quite well-known as Taimur’s nanny, and she also cared for Anant Ambani. That’s right! With that being said let’s know more about her.
Who Is Lalita Dsilva?
Lalita Dsilva is a well-known figure among Bollywood enthusiasts. Based in Mumbai, she has been a key presence in several prominent Bollywood households. For eight years, she looked after Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s children, Taimur and Jeh, since their births. Her popularity surged when photos and videos of her with Taimur went viral online.
Lalita Dsilva Was Once Anant Ambani’s Nanny
Did you know that Tim and Jeh’s nanny was also a key figure in the Ambani household? Lalita Dsilva started her career as Anant Ambani’s nanny. She was even invited to Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding, where she shared heartfelt moments with the newlyweds on her Instagram.
Jeh-Taimur’s Nanny, Lalita Dsilva’s Salary/Fee
There have been rumors suggesting that Namita was paid approximately Rs 2.5 lakh per month for caring for Taimur. In response, Lalita Dsilva brushed away the rumors and told Hindi Rush, “Rs 2.5 lakh? I wish”. She added, “Aapke mooh mein ghee shakkar. These are all rumors.”
A report by DNA, however, claims that Lalita was actually paid between Rs 1.5 and 1.75 lakh per month by Saif and Kareena.
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