The 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival, showcasing a stunning array of films, started on May 16 and will end on May 27, 2023. Many celebs from the Indian film industry made their debut, including Sara Ali Khan, Mouni Roy, Manushi Chhillar, Esha Gupta, and others. Even social media influencers are invading the Cannes red carpet. From Ruhee Dosani to Ranveer Allahbadia, we saw many influencers gracing the red carpet. But the question is: why? As per knowledge, should Cannes be considered a film festival? Wasn’t it started to celebrate films and the film industry? Literally, it felt like Cannes has lost its grace and charm with so many unnecessary and unknown people being invited.
As much as Cannes is a film festival, it is also a good place to promote brands. And now the first face that comes to mind when promoting brands is influencers, and what else should we say? Many of these influencers represent the brands that sent them. Ranveer Allahbadia and Masoom Minawala are sent by Brut India; Dolly Singh has been sent by Brut and Ajio; Ruhee Dosani has represented Boat and Brut; and Kusha Kapila is representing AirBnb. As these influencers are representing their brands, they are hooked up with updates on the film attitude of the festival.
But still, can we compromise with it? Not against influencers or anything, but that place wasn’t for them to glamour with their clothes. Cannes has been known as a celebrated film festival, and it seems quite unfair to see influencers at this place who have no relationship with films even remotely. And the point of most injustice is that many filmmakers in India make films every year; why are they not represented by brands? Don’t they deserve the film festival? And if this is the condition of this year, then sure, next year, “Teri Kali Kali Do Ankhiyan” influencers will be seen.
Genuinely think that small or indie filmmakers should be given a chance and definitely deserve it more than social media influencers!