Bollywood is gearing up for the highly anticipated debut of Veer Pahariya in the much-awaited aerial action thriller, Sky Force. Sharing the screen with industry heavyweight Akshay Kumar and the talented Sara Ali Khan, Veer’s debut is set to be nothing short of grand. Initially slated for an October 2nd, 2024 release, the film’s premiere has now been rescheduled to January 24th, 2025, aligning its patriotic theme perfectly with Republic Day. This move is expected to amplify the film’s resonance with audiences, given Akshay Kumar’s portrayal of an Indian Air Force pilot—a role that naturally complements the nationalistic fervor of the holiday.
Sky Force not only marks Veer Pahariya’s entry into the film industry but also sees him holding a parallel lead alongside Akshay Kumar, setting the stage for what is sure to be a spectacular launch. Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur, the film also features powerhouse performers like Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur, promising an all-star ensemble that’s ready to dominate the box office.
Maddock Films, under the visionary leadership of Dinesh Vijan, has been on a winning streak with blockbuster hits like Stree, Stree 2, Mimi, and Bhediya. With Sky Force, the production house is set to introduce their new poster boy, Veer Pahariya, who has honed his craft through years of dedication. From participating in acting and theatre workshops to anonymously auditioning, Veer has meticulously prepared for this moment. His journey under the mentorship of Dinesh Vijan began as an assistant director on Bhediya, where he refined his acting and music talents. After an intensive audition process, Veer secured the coveted role in Sky Force, marking the culmination of a decade-long pursuit of his dreams.
The buzz around Sky Force is electric, and with Maddock Films’ proven track record, Veer Pahariya’s grand debut promises to be one of the most awaited launches in recent Bollywood history. Audiences and critics alike are eagerly anticipating this cinematic spectacle, where a new star is set to shine brightly on the horizon.
Must Read: Who Is Veer Pahariya? Actor Who Will Make Debut In Akshay Kumar Starrer “Sky Force”