Urvashi Rautela’s Cannes look is now under the scanner of jewellery experts. Urvashi made multiple appearances on the red carpet of the 67th Cannes Film Festival. For her first outing on the red carpet, she wore a pink tulle gown designed by Sima Couture with tiered layers of floral ruffles. The young diva paired her gorgeous gown with an attention-grabber neckpiece. She was seen wearing an alleged Cartier neckpiece featuring two intertwined alligators. The actress also talked about the necklace’s history during her media interactions. She claimed that it is the same piece “worn by Monica Belluci back in 2002 or 2006”.
Meanwhile, jewellery expert named Arundhati De-Sheth took to her Instagram stories and claimed that Urvashi isn’t wearing the original Cartier Maria Felix crocodile necklace. She wrote, “I am hugely confused by this look in general. However, all personal feelings aside, is she wearing the original @cartier Maria Felix crocodile necklace?!”
She further added, “And, who is the maker of the earrings? Clarification desperately needed! Won’t get sleep.”
In another Instagram story, she wrote, “Going to Cannes in France. Home of @cartier- Then wearing a poor shoddy sad ugly copy of a historic piece. Allegedly representing our nation and pretending to be wearing the real thing. When it’s been hastily crafted in the back of beyond. Shameful @teamurvashirautelaofficial it seems you have not done any homework. We are a land of the most special treasures and jewels that she could have worn instead – this is blatant and so sad.”
On the other hand, Urvashi Rautela’s team stated today that after Urvashi wore this piece, its value increased from Rs 200 cr to Rs 276 crore.
For the unaware, a Cartier crocodile necklace was made to order for Mexican actress María Félix in 1975. It features yellow diamonds, emeralds and rubies on two articulated crocodiles. A copy of that necklace was made by Samir Mehta, a jeweler of the Surat-based jewelry manufacturer Arete Virtue. If the older reports are to be believed, the copied version is studded with 8,000 natural diamonds and 7,000 other gemstones.
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