A few weeks ago, a video of Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela went viral, showing her changing outfits in a bathroom. The video ignited significant backlash from fans and netizens. While some people thought the video was genuine, others speculated it was either a promotional stunt or a clip from her upcoming project.
Must Read: Urvashi Rautela To Alia Bhatt: Times When Celebrities’ Privacy Was Compromised
Now Urvashi has finally addressed the incident and has revealed that the scene is actually from her upcoming film, “Ghuspaithiya“. While promoting the trailer for her upcoming film, Urvashi Rautela spoke to Instant Bollywood she revealed, “I was obviously upset for that time on the day the clip went out. Of course, this is a scene from the movie Ghuspaithiya; it’s not my actual life or a clip from it.” She later added, “I wish no woman ever goes through something like this.”
Urvashi Rautela’s Leaked Bathroom Video Controversy
Netizens were split on whether the incident was a PR stunt or a privacy breach. An audio recording of Urvashi Rautela and her manager discussing the situation further stirred controversy. In the call, Urvashi expressed concern and asked for the video to be removed from social media immediately, while her manager suggested addressing the matter in person rather than over the phone.
About Ghuspaithiya
Ghuspaithiya, releasing on August 9, features Vineet Kumar Singh and Akshay Oberoi in prominent roles. The film delves into modern digital threats and their effects on personal and professional lives, emphasizing the impact of social media on privacy and trust. However, the controversy appears to be a marketing stunt for the film.
ALSO READ: Urvashi Rautela LEAKED Bathroom Video Goes Viral, Netizens Call It A ‘PR Stunt’