Bollywood versatile actor Suniel Shetty is busy promoting his series, Hunter. He is also in the news for the third installment of Hera Pheri with Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal. He has been speaking candidly over the past few months about his interactions with other actors in his generation. While he always talks positively about his co-stars, it seems he is upset with actor Govinda.
In a conversation with ETimes, Suniel Shetty praised Govinda and referred to him as one of Bollywood’s best actors. To wow the audience, he stated that Govinda was destined to be a star from birth. Although he is a modest person, the actor claims that when he performs in front of you or stands with you, he “gives you a complex.” The 61-year-old went on to express his displeasure with the comic, though.
Suniel and Govinda shared the screen in 2011 for the movie Loot, and he said that Govinda needs to get back to work. As quoted to Koimoi, he stated, “I am upset with him because he is not working enough. He’s not working every day. He needs to get back. We are missing Chi-Chi bhaiyya in a massive way.”
Meanwhile, Suniel Shetty will be seen rejoining Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal for the third edition of their cult classic movie Hera Pheri after nailing his performance in “Hunter: Tootega Nahi, Todega.” The actors will return to their respective iconic roles of Shyam, Raju, and Baburao. Farhad Samji will serve as the film’s director.
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