As the Shraddha Kapoor led sequel Stree 2 is gearing up for a mega release this Independence Day, netizens are busy bringing out the goods and bads from the same. The film has already generated a lot of buzz on the basis of its visuals, trailer, song choices, and eye-catchy posters. But are the makers really own the creativity rights behind these poster ideas or is it what they copied from the Netflix series – Stranger Things?
A reddit user brought to the public’s attention that how the posters of Stree 2 and Netflix originals Stranger Things S2 drew alot of similarities. The color choices, themes chosen and striking visuals used on one of the posters of Stree 2, exactly replicate to the hollywood’s series poster. The way in which makers of Stranger Things featured their characters on the poster, Stree 2 did it exactly the same. The user on reddit sharing the two posters, wrote, “They didn’t even hesitate”.
After all the glam and glitz the film is receiving prior the release, witnessing such remarks on themselves can be quite embarassing for the makers. As the posters are now revealed to be a copy of the Netflix originals, fans are giving mixed reactions to the same. A user termed this as, Streeger Things, typically combining the two dramas. While others are busy appreciating the user’s observation that led to this big revelation.
STREE 2 Comes To Theatres On August 14
After seeking immense love for Stree 2, the makers have decided to bring the movie on August 14th itself, shifiting its release a day prior to Independence Day. The movie will be premiering from August 14th 9.30pm onwards. This step is to avoid the Independence Day clash with Vedaa and Khel Khel Mein. This powerful strategy to pull the crowd right from the night shows itself is expected to be much impactful.
Well, this similarity between the posters may or may not dissapoint Stree 2 fans. But, this will surely not become a reason for the movie to run low in theatres. Although there is no confirmation if this was a mere co-incidence or an act of imitation. However, comparisons of the two posters speak of the true story.
Must Read: Stree 2 Advance Bookings: Shraddha Kapoor To Surpass John Abraham, Prabhas And Akshay Kumar