After the advance bookings for the three ucpoming Bollywood clashes were opened, Shradhha Kapoor starrer Stree 2 had a shocking outcome. With the eye-catchy trailers and visuals of the songs and promos, netizens are way too excited for all the three upcoming Bollywood movies, ‘Vedaa, Stree 2 and Khel Khel Mein. However, Shraddha Kapoor led sequel, Stree 2 seems to be running ahead with a different pace this time.
According to the reports by Sacnilk, the first day of advance booking for film Stree 2 collectiveley garnered 4.1 crores of collection with more than 72,000 tickets being sold. As per the current reports, the In competition to John Abraham’s action-thriller Vedaa, and Akshay Kumar starrer comedy drama, Khel Khel Mein, Kapoor’s film has solely performed too well on the advance booking front for day 1.
*Stree 2 First Day Advance Booking Report (Update 7/16) #Stree2*
— Sacnilk Entertainment (@SacnilkEntmt) August 12, 2024
STREE 2 To Have A Grand Opening Box Office Collection
Reportedly, the opening box office collection is predicted to reach Rs.35crores and beyond for this horror comedy. The film is directed by Amar Kaushik under the production of Maddock Films and Jio Studios. Even though Shraddha’s fanbase is known huge. But considering the fact that Akshay-John are also not any small time actors, their films still stand behind on the work front when clashed with her. Together, Vedaa and Khel Khel Mein failed to reach even 1crores of ticket gross collection.
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The results express Shraddha Kapoor-Rajkumar Rao led sequel is supposed to perform exceptionally well on theatres while Vedaa and Khel Khel Mein might suffer to last for the long run. Although it is going to be exciting as the all three sequels belong to different genres of Bollywood so whether the audience will be divided amongst each other or will the stree catch all attention.