Song Writer Nikitaa Experiments On Fierce New Single ‘Wolf’

Independent artist Nikita, who has managed to release four pop singles during the lockdown is now back with a new single ‘Wolf’. Releasing on 28th May 2021, this eccentric single is sung, written and composed by Nikitaa.

Composed by Nikitaa, the song perfectly brings out the RnB, Pop and bit of Hip-hop elemental vibe to it and the depth of instruments like flutes, strings and drums that we haven’t heard on any of her previous tracks. Capturing the essence of that older truer Wolf archetype, the mood of the song is powerful purposeful, passionate and brave. Talking about working on this track, she adds, “We (Mukund and I) actually started this one for fun by fleshing out the production, not specifically for any project. Immediately, when I heard the drums it made me think of something very animalistic and primal, and the idea of writing a song from the perspective of the Wolf was born. We’ve all been taught the stories about the Big Bad Wolf – The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Red Riding Hood… But there are older stories across several indigenous cultures (including many here in India) that speak to the Wolf as a symbol for that inner knowing and intuition that we all have – that speaks to our courage. The Wolf is a powerful and fierce creature. The production itself is very much in keeping with the idea for the song that comes from folktales, fairytales, mythology and lore. The recording process was definitely exciting as we experimented with some fun (and tricky) harmonies keeping the vibe of the entire process very playful. In fact, the whistle tones I recorded in the beginning started off as a joke – mimicking a wolf’s howl. But I kept them because they felt so powerful.”

She further adds, “I always feel like every-time I drop new music, I end up experiencing exactly what I’m writing about. In other words, manifesting my reality comes very easy to me. With this song, I’ve already spent the last few months in the Wolf’s journey – battling some deep things personally. I released a lot of pain around several traumatic events that occurred very early in my life. And that fierce, curious and playful Wolfish nature came in handy while doing so. Releasing music is all about telling stories for me. So this one feels very important to share. It’s also an introduction to a vibe you all might be hearing more of this year!”

Given the current situation around the globe, artists are exploring avenues to keep their fans going and giving each other the strength. The singer who strongly feels that there is so much going on within the world that can feel overwhelming, terrifying, anger inducing etc. But she also see the strength and resilience of many right now – choosing to speak their mind, forming perspectives backed up by compassion and due research on what’s really going on, supporting each other and even strangers across the world and the internet in any way they can. She concludes, “I want to entertain my fans, yes, but I also want to amplify this strength, resilience, and willingness that they have to move through both their personal journey as well as the collective journey we’re all on right now. It’s such a big part of what I stand for. It’s such a big part of this release too!”