After Pathaan’s incredible performance at the box office, Shah Rukh Khan’s fans are eagerly awaiting his much-awaited film, Jawan. While the film is in the closing stages of production, a recent source claims that an intensely action-packed scene starring Sanjay Dutt and SRK will be shot within the next couple of days, with only a few days remaining for the final wrap-up of the filming.
SRK had taken a break from Bollywood for some time and made a bang with his film Pathan. Now that his last film has been released, all eyes are on his next film, Jawan. Admirers have become quite excited to see their favorite SRK in a full-on action role once again since the release of the teaser and title of the film.
Now, according to Pinkvilla reports, Sanjay Dutt will reunite with Shah Rukh for a cameo. The sources reveal that it will be a brief but effective and action-packed cameo. The sources further added, “The duo will be shooting together over the next 4 to 5 days at a studio in Mumbai, and it’s a big, dramatic action scene that forms an integral part of the film’s narrative.”
The makers chose Sanjay Dutt for an unknown role since the character needed to be someone with a strong screen presence. Sanjay Dutt arrived in Bombay on Sunday at midday from his Leo shoot in Kashmir, and now, 24 hours later, he is ready to shoot an action scene with SRK for Jawan.
While Deepika Padukone was reportedly going to join the cast for a two-day shoot on March 27 and 28, Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, is still in the final stages of production. Also, there are rumors that the film’s planned June 2 release date has been changed to September or December.
It will be very interesting to see Sanjay Dutt opposite Shah Rukh Khan, What do you think about it? Let us know in the comment section.
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