Bollywood stars Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are excitedly awaiting their baby’s arrival in September. Deepika has been spotted around town, proudly displaying her baby bump in chic outfits. Recent reports indicate that the couple intends to relocate to a new home following the birth of their child.
Ranveer-Deepika To Shift To Their New House After Baby’s Arrival
According to popular photographer Pallav Paliwal on Instagram, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are set to move into a vast new apartment after their baby’s arrival. Previous reports had hinted that their new home could be near Shah Rukh Khan’s residence.
Ranveer-Deepika’s New House Price
NDTV previously reported that Ranveer Singh, in partnership with his father Jagjit Sunder Singh Bhavnani’s company Oh Five Oh Media Works LLP, has acquired a lavish sea-facing quadruplex for Rs 119 crore. The new property is located in an upscale Mumbai neighborhood close to Shah Rukh Khan’s home, Mannat.
The grand residence spans the 16th to 19th floors of the building, featuring a spacious 11,266 sq ft interior and an extra 1,300 sq ft private terrace. The report also highlighted that in 2021, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone bought a bungalow in Alibag for Rs 22 crore.
Has Ranveer-Deepika Bought The “Whole Building”? Fans Confused
Following the revelation that the couple will shift to their new house soon, many fans have been wondering if Ranveer and Deepika have bought a “floor” or the “whole building”. Sharing the same, many claimed that the couple has bought “four” floors in the building.
ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh Quashes Divorce Rumors With Deepika Padukone