Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has been in the news for contentious reasons after her name was linked to Sukesh Chandrashekhar’s Rs. 200 money laundering case. According to the most recent information on the case, the conman has now informed the Delhi Patiala House Court that Jacqueline is innocent because she has no connection to the matter and that he is there to defend the actress. Sukesh appeared before the Patiala House Court in Delhi on Friday and asserted that Fernandez was not involved in the extortion case.
According to India Today, Sukesh told the court, “Jacqueline is not a part of this case; she should not worry; I am there to protect her.” The conman previously gained notoriety for his response to a reporter who questioned him over his relationship with the Kick actress. Chandrashekhar asked to wish Happy Valentine’s Day to Jacqueline.
He refused to comment on her when she accused him of using her; he stated, “She has a valid argument.” I don’t want to talk about her at all. “When you care about someone, you work to keep them safe.”
Last month, Sukesh Chandrashekhar stated in a press conference that he was in a serious relationship with Jacqueline and that Nora Fatehi brainwashed him against the actress. He even says that Nora used to call him at least 10 times a day, and if he doesn’t answer the call, she keeps calling him. As he was in a serious relationship with Fernandez, he started avoiding Nora, but she kept irritating him and calling him, and she also asked him to help Bobby (Nora’s relative) set up a music production, which he did.
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