Actor Aamir Khan and his former wife, filmmaker Kiran Rao, attended a significant screening of their film Laapataa Ladies at the Supreme Court on Friday. During the gender sensitization event, Aamir discussed what inspired him to produce the film and outlined his future vision. He shared how the COVID-19 pandemic provided him with valuable time to reflect on his career and future contributions.
Looking back at his career and time in the film industry Aamir shared with ANI, “During COVID, at the age of 56, I realized this is the last leg of my career. I might have 15 more years of active work left, and I wanted to give back. The industry, society, and country have given me so much. I thought I could do one film a year, but as a producer, I can back multiple stories that I feel strongly about.”
Aamir Khan also shared his plan to focus on nurturing new talent in the film industry during his remaining active years. He added, “Through producing, I can provide a platform for new writers, directors, and everyone involved in the process. Laapataa Ladies is the first step in that direction. I want to promote this kind of talent and hope to produce four to five films a year so that we can see more such movies,”
Aamir Khan stated that Laapataa Ladies represents the start of his new initiative to support emerging talent. He plans to produce four to five films annually to offer opportunities for up-and-coming filmmakers.
Directed by Kiran Rao and produced by Aamir, the film has attracted considerable attention due to its distinctive theme. It also premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September 2023, where it received a standing ovation.
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