Directed by Binoy Gandhi, the much-awaited Hindi romantic drama film, “Ghudchadi” will soon make its OTT release. For the unversed, the film was announced back in 2022, however, due to repeated delays the film will now release in 2024. From release date, to cast, here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming Bollywood film, “Ghudchadi”.
Ghudchadi Release Date And OTT Platform
Ghudchadi will be released on the OTT platform, JioCinema on August 9.
Ghudchadi Cast
Ghudchadi features Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Parth Samthaan, and Khushalii Kumar in the lead roles. The film also includes key performances by Aruna Irani, Achint Kaur, and Navni Parihar.
Ghudchadi Story/Plot/Synopsis
According to the trailer, the film’s plot centers on Chirag (Parth Samthaan) and Bebika (Khushalii Kumar). As their romance leads them to consider marriage, the story takes a dramatic twist when Chirag’s father (Sanjay Dutt) and Bebika’s mother (Raveena Tandon) unexpectedly reconnect and rekindle their past romance as long-lost lovers.
The film explores whether Chirag and Bebika will sacrifice their relationship for their parents or if the parents will lose their second chance at love. The trailer suggests a mix of romance and drama throughout the narrative.
Ghudchadi Trailer
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