Bollywood couple, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor confirmed their relationship back in 2018. After dating each other for almost 4 years the two tied the knot in April 2022 and welcomed their daughter Raha in November of the same year. And ever since their marriage both Alia and Ranbir’s love story has always been a topic of highlight among their fans.
Alia Reveals How She First Met Ranbir
Alia Bhatt has particularly been very open about her marriage with Ranbir Kapoor. The actress often shares her insights, and anecdotes with her fans about her love life with Ranbir. Back in, 2024, during the Red Sea Film Festival, Alia revealed how she met her now husband, Ranbir for the first time.
At the Red Sea Film Festival, Alia Bhatt revealed that she first met her future husband, Ranbir Kapoor, when she was nine. It was also her first time being allowed by her mother, Soni Razdan, to work as a child artist. Alia shared that she was auditioning for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film Black, where Ranbir was an assistant. In 2021, a viral photo showed young Alia Bhatt resting her head on 20-year-old Ranbir Kapoor during a screen test for Black, where he was an assistant director.
Ranbir Talks About His 11-Year Age Gap With Alia Bhatt
In a recent interview with Nikhil Kamath, Ranbir Kapoor talked about the age gap between him and Alia Bhatt, mentioning they first met when Alia was just nine and he was 20. He shared how lucky he feels to have married someone who is also his best friend, saying he can chat, laugh, and be himself with her.
Ranbir praised Alia for being a “wonderful person” with a lively personality and joked about their 11-year age difference, calling her “very colorful.” He also reminisced about their first meeting during a photoshoot for a project by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, which was about child marriage, and admitted that it feels a bit strange to think about it now.
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