Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone who is currently expecting her first baby, took the internet by storm after the actress shared a series of pictures from her maternal photoshoot along with her husband, Ranveer Singh. In the shared pictures the actress was seen flaunting her huge baby bump as she cradled it with Ranveer alongside.
With her recent photoshoot, the actress finally put a rest to the online trolls that had plagued the actress’ social media ever since she announced her pregnancy. For those who may not know, Deepika and Ranveer shared the news of their pregnancy back in February.
The couple took to their social media and announced the expected arrival date of their first child. However, over the months a segment of netizens started targeting the actress. Initially, netizens claimed that the actress’ baby bump was rather very subtle and faintly visible. This was what started the whole controversy.
Over the last few months, the trolls started targeting the actress’ comment section claiming or rather accusing that her baby bump is “fake” and suggesting that Deepika has chosen surrogacy, merely pretending to be pregnant with a “fake baby bump.”
The initial accusations escalated to a blown-out debate with many agreeing that the possibility of the actress having surrogacy was high. However, throughout her pregnancy, Deepika never addressed the false claims, fortunately, her fans came in defense and brushed away the trolls disregarding them as “useless opinions”.
Although Deepika avoided addressing the accusations, her maternal photoshoot seemingly put a final stop to the trolls and baseless accusations. Unfortunately, despite the actress even sharing a good look of her baby bump in her maternal photoshoot, a huge segment of netizens are still targeting the actress claiming that her baby bump could be “prosthetics” or “edited”.
A recent post on InstantBollywood featured two pictures of Deepika Padukone featuring her ‘prosthetic’ baby bump from Kalki, and the other featuring her ‘real’ baby bump from her maternal photoshoot. Reacting to the post many trolls shared their ‘insignificant’ opinions and insinuated that the baby bump in her photoshoot was “fake” or technically manipulated.
However, soon after the trolls made the accusations, many DP’s fans came in her defense. A user wrote, “my god the amount of ppl still doubting her, this whole journey of being pregnant is very difficult physically and mentally for a woman, let her be, not that she cares what you think.”
ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone’s Delivery Date REVEALED! To Coincide With Ranbir Kapoor’s Birthday?