Bollywood actress Zareen Khan and former Bigg Boss contestant Shivashish Mishra, who began their relationship in 2021, have reportedly ended their romance after three years. While neither Zareen nor Shivashish has officially confirmed the split, they have both unfollowed each other on social media. Despite this, Shivashish has yet to remove the photos of them together from his accounts.
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Zareen Khan-Shivashish Mishra’s Breakup
According to ETimes, Zareen Khan and Shivashish Mishra ended their relationship around February or March this year. A close friend of the former couple has confirmed that the breakup was mutual.
Talking about the reason behind the duo’s breakup the source revealed, “There are a few reasons that led to the breakup a few months ago. They have different upbringings, however, the breakup has been mutual.”
Zareen-Shivashish UNFOLLOWS Each Other On Instagram
Zareen Khan, who debuted in 2010 with Veer and is known for her resemblance to Katrina Kaif, has been in the film industry for over a decade. Since 2021, she has been linked with businessman Shivashish Mishra, a former Bigg Boss contestant. The couple, who met through a mutual friend, publicly shared their relationship on Instagram early in 2021.
However, now after their alleged breakup, both Zareen and Shivashish have unfollowed each other on Instagram, subtly hinting at their breakup. Zareen has already removed her pictures with Shiv from her Instagram, while the latter hasn’t yet taken down his posts with the actress.
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