Aryan Khan, who is set to surprise audience with his Bollywood debut, not as an actor but as a director, has been in the news recently. Following their appearance together at Dutch DJ Martin Garrix’s 2023 India concert, Aryan Khan and his rumoured girlfriend, Brazilian actress Larissa Bonesi, have fueled dating rumours.
Recently, Aryan and his sister Suhana Khan attended the Gold Dusk event party in Mumbai, organized in partnership with Aryan’s D’Yavol and Priyaank Sharma. While the brother-sister duo posed together for the cameras, Larissa Bonesi also made an appearance at the event. She arrived solo and seeming to avoid the camera while making a quick entry inside the venue, spotted wearing a stunning black dress.
Aryan Khan was seen in a casual look with a denim jacket, black t-shirt, and bottoms, while Suhana Khan wowed in a bodycon brown dress with yellow flower motifs. Larissa’s appearance has further sparked speculation about their relationship, although no official confirmation has been provided by the rumored couple.
Last month, there were also talks circulating about Aryan Khan attending Anant Ambani’s mega wedding, where it was suggested that his rumoured girlfriend was present as well.
Aryan is set to make his Bollywood debut as a director with the film ‘Stardom’, which recently wrapped up. The film, starring Bobby Deol and Mona Singh, will be released soon, with details yet to be announced.
Meanwhile, on the work front of Suhana Khan, she made her debut last year through an original Netflix series ‘The Archies’ directed by Zoya Akhtar. The young star is now set for the next with none other than her King father Shah Rukh Khan, surprisingly the movie is also titled as ‘King’.