In her latest interview, US origin Indian fashion designer Anjali Phougat urges all to take time out for their loved ones.
Speaking about importance of family and much more in the recent conversational interview, fashion designer Anjali Phougat urges all to take time out for their loved ones.
Sharing more in depth about the same on occasion of international family day during her new tete a tete chat interview, well renowned Indian fashion designer Anjali Phougat urges all to take time out for their loved ones.
ALSO READ – Anjali Phougat Reveals Her Experience of Interviewing Sonu Nigam
One of the major learning in this pandemic is our understanding of the importance of our families in our lives. We love our family but most of the time we take it for granted and don’t give our loved ones enough time given our busy schedule. Fashion designer and humanitarian Anjali Phougat says that on International Day of Families (15th May) we must celebrate and cherish this special bond and opening up on it, she shares, “Family is one of the most important things in our lives. Taking time every day to appreciate your loved ones for all that they do helps us in reconnecting as a family. My family is my life, and everything else comes second in order of importance. The basic connection between family will always be love. I enjoyed growing up with my parents, siblings, cousins, and grandparents and my nine year daughter Aarna understand the importance of family very well”.
Speaking on how her creative streak comes from her mother, Anjali said, “My mother is very creative. From cooking to stitching she is good at everything… My mother, grandparents and siblings helped me to enhance my creativity. I also learnt to be extremely organized, respect elders and stay focused to pursue my dreams. My brand name Designerdreamcollection originated from my joint family because my grandmother always used to tell positive stories to fulfill dreams and her stories inspired me to pursue my dream and passion”.
The fashion designer speaking about how interesting it is to grow up in a joint family says, “Growing up with different people in the house you learn a lot and most importantly, you learn how to be social. You learn to sacrifice as you will see instances where other members of the family will give up their things for you. You learn to respect the elders. You learn how to behave with the elders and younger ones. In my experience, growing up in a joint family is one the best things that happened to me in my life”.
Agreeing there are pros and cons of a joint family too but she feels there are more advantages than disadvantages and opening up on this point, Anjali added, “In today’s world, most of us live in a virtual world. People use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media applications to stay connected to people. In a joint family, you have people to talk to and share your feelings with. When I am in India, with my family I don’t use my mobile and internet for hours as there are people to talk and interact with. In a joint family the bond you form with your family members and relatives are much stronger”.
Anjali urges everyone to stick to the basics and hold on to their family and friends as they will never go out of fashion and concluding the interview she signs off by telling, “Don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family. Negative effects of the nuclear family include the isolation and emotional dependency of the husband-wife and parent-child relationships. Communication in nuclear households features some obstacles and distractions… With technological advances, these families increase communication outside the home. Kids in nuclear families use more internet and cell phones compared to the ones growing up in a big family”.