Bollywood’s much-awaited upcoming movie Raksha Bandhan is the talk of the town. The film created hype among fans after the trailer was released and now a new song was launched on Wednesday. Song titled ‘Tere Saath Hoon Main’ is voiced by Nihal Tauro, and Himesh Reshammiya has given the music. Akshay Kumar was thankful to Himesh Reshammiya for his great music in the film.
During the press conference of the song ‘Tere Saath Hoon Main’ actor Akshay Kumar, director Aanand L Rai and singer Himesh Reshammiya were present. The trio shared their words on the music and the song. ‘Tere Saath Hoon Main’ is the first song of Raksha Bandhan and has been referred to as Bollywood’s new bidaai song.
Akshay Kumar said, “Himesh & I have worked in many films and I am very thankful that he has given me great music. Be it Phir Hera Pheri, Aitraaz, Namaste London, or Humko Deewana Kar Gaye. He keeps telling me that when he sees me, he is able to give much better music. And let me tell you about him. When I used to go to his studio where I sat while he composed music, you had to look at him. He makes music very easily, at times in just 10 minutes. He shuts his eyes, hums the music, and composes the song”
Acknowledging Akshay’s comment Himesh Reshammiya said, “I can say that my father, who trained under Omkarnath Thakur, has given me a formula and that is ‘right song for the right actor’. Akshay Kumar breaks that formula because every song is right. This is in very few actors and that’s why, when a song comes out after such high expectations, it lives up to it. After Namaste London, we did Khiladi 786 and we hoped the music to be a bigger hit and that’s what happened. Raksha Bandhan again is a test. I pray that our combination works.”
Raksha Bandhan is picturized on siblings’ love, bond, and affection. It also emphasises the social issue of dowry, along with emotional segment movie is full of hight-hearted comedy. The family drama will hit the theaters on 11th August 2022 along with Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha.
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