Bollywood couple, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan have been embroiled in divorce rumors after their separate appearance at Anant Ambani’s wedding. Now a video has been going viral on social media in which Abhishek Bachchan was seen announcing his divorce from Aishwarya Rai. However, the video is a “deepfake”.
Abhishek Bachchan Viral Divorce Video
A viral video on social media suggests that actor Abhishek Bachchan is announcing his divorce from his wife Aishwarya Rai. In the footage, the actor seemingly states, “This July, Aishwarya and I have decided to get divorced”.
Upon closer inspection, the video reveals inconsistencies, especially noticeable lip-syncing problems. These discrepancies have raised doubts, leading to increased scrutiny. Numerous social media users have condemned the video, accusing its creators of spreading false information and intruding on the privacy of those featured.
A user wrote, “This is truly sad! How can ppl be so insensitive to use a fake voice and dub a video like this? How uncomfortable for Aishwarya and her daughter to have to go through such nonsense online and brainless people offering their sympathy and reasoning”.
Abhishek Aishwarya’s Divorce Rumors
For the unversed, rumors about Abhishek and Aishwarya’s separation have been making rounds on the internet for a few months now. It all started after Aishwarya Rai celebrated her birthday at her mother’s house. The rumors gained traction after the couple made a “separate” appearance at Anant Ambani’s wedding.
The divorce rumors were further sparked after Abhishek Bachchan liked a divorce post on Instagram. Many reports also claimed that the couple is currently living separately. However, the couple has yet to address the claims. Both Aish and Abhishek have neither confirmed nor denied the rumors yet.
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