Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan’s love story is a Bollywood fairy tale. They met during a 1999 photoshoot, became friends, and in 2006, Abhishek proposed on the set of Umrao Jaan. They married in a grand ceremony in 2007 and welcomed their daughter, Aaradhya, in 2011.
However, as of late many rumors about the couple’s separation and divorce have been doing rounds on the internet. The rumors started after Aishwarya Rai was seen celebrating her birthday without Abhishek at her mother’s house. Later the speculations intensified after the couple was seen arriving “separately” at Anant Ambani’s wedding. Following the same, many reports revealed that the couple has been living separately and might soon go for a divorce.
Abhishek-Aishwarya Will Not Get A Divorce, Here’s Why
However, recent reports from DNA suggest that the divorce will not proceed. A key reason cited is that the Bachchan family has never experienced a divorce in its history. One of the main reasons for the couple’s likely decision to stay together, despite their issues, is the Bachchan family’s tradition of avoiding divorce.
This pattern was evident before when Abhishek’s engagement to Karisma Kapoor was canceled and Shweta Bachchan faced problems in her marriage with Nikhil Nanda. Nikhil Nanda’s connection to Karisma Kapoor was the cause of some issues, yet divorce was avoided. Similarly, despite various reports of problems between Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan, they also chose not to separate.
Neither Abhishek Bachchan nor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has officially confirmed any rift, but many fans believe that even if the couple lived apart, they would likely avoid divorce due to the Bachchan family’s longstanding tradition against it.
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