Aadar Jain, son of Reema and Manoj Jain and grandson of filmmaker Raj Kapoor, announced his engagement to Alekha Advani on social media. Known for films like Qaidi Band and Hello Charlie, Aadar proposed on a scenic beach, sharing heartfelt photos. In a touching post, he called Alekha his “first crush, best friend, and now, forever,” beautifully summarizing their journey together. From being childhood friends to soon-to-be husband and wife, here’s a timeline of Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani’s relationship, check out their love story!
Must Read: Who Is Alekha Advani? Aadar Jain’s Fiancee And Tara Sutaria’s Friend
Aadar Jain Is Alekha Advani’s Childhood Friend
In his latest post, where Aadar proposed to Alekha Advani, the actor revealed that Alekha had been his first-ever crush. As per the reports, the two have been childhood friends.
Aadar Jain’s Breakup With Tara Sutaria
For those who don’t know, Aadar Jain previously dated Bollywood actress Tara Sutaria. The two went official back in 2020. The couple dated each other for a few years before finally calling it quits in 2023. As per the reports, Tara Sutaria also became friends with Alekha. The two currently follow each other on Instagram as well.
Aadar Jain Confirms Dating Alekha Advani
Just a few months after his reported breakup with Tara Sutaria, Aadar Jain was seen making his surprising appearance at Kareena Kapoor’s Diwali party as he walked hand in hand with Alekha Advani, officially confirming their relationship.
Aadar Jain-Alekha Goes Insta Official
After Kareena Kapoor’s Diwali bash, the couple made their relationship Insta official as the two started sharing pictures together, confirming their relationship. Aadar Jain confirmed dating Alekha as he wished her on her birthday sharing series of pictures with her.
Later on Valentine’s Day, Alekha posted a series of pictures with Aadar Jain, where they were seen exchanging sweet kisses on the cheeks.
Aadar Jain Propses Alekha Advani
Finally, on late Sunday night, Aadar Jain officially announced his engagement with his childhood love, Alekha Advani. He shared a series of pictures in which he went down on his knees and proposed Alekha Advani, starting their together forever.
ALSO READ: Aadar Jain Proposes GF Alekha Advani, Fans Accuse Duo Of ‘Cheating’ On Tara Sutaria