Bigg Boss OTT 3 finally premiered its grand finale episode yesterday. After spending more than a month with the 13 contestants, contestant SANA MAKBUL lifted the “winning trophy” with Naezy standing along-side. After the diva lady was declared the winner of BB OTT 3 by host Anil Kapoor, different views and feedbacks from fans and critics garnered upon the internet. Amidst the same comes the famous vada-pav girl, Chandika Dixit who was also a contestant of the OTT reality show.
Chandrika, who was evicted from the house in the second week of its nominations was asked about her views on Sana Makbul ‘winning the show’. To which, she replied, “Mai already winner hoon”. In a video shared on social media, the vada-pav girl is seen calling the result as unfair, and that it’s not happening for the first time. “This happens every year, the vada-pav girl added.
The vada-pav girl also made a remark on Naezy, who not only reached in the TOP-5 finalist category, but stood along-side Sana under the Top-2 contestants. After Sana Makbul lifted the BB OTT 3 winning trophy, Naezy was declared the first-runner up. Chandrika commented that Naezy is ruling hearts, and everyone can see that.
Further the paps asked her about any one eviction that felt unfair to her. “Mera!”,she said expressing the disappointment behind her early eviction from the show. She accepted that she supported Naezy for the win, and further concluded by saying that everyone who came to the show, stayed in the house is a winner. The trophies will be there on the walls but the ones who will be ruling the public’s hearts is the real winner.
After consistently grabbing attention due to mixed controversies, Jio Cinema’s reality show, Bigg Boss OTT 3 finally comes to an end. The show host Anil Kapoor on August 2, 2024 announced the winner Sana Makbul, handing over the winning trophy and the cash prize. Naezy aka Bombay 70 was the first-runner up of the show.
Sana Makbul made a lot of headlines while being inside the house, garnering much attention of the public. Apart from her sportsmanship, fans also loved the close bond she shared with her friend Naezy and also the banter she had with Ranvir Shorey.
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