Anil Kapoor’s show Bigg Boss OTT 3 had its finale episode run on Aug 2nd, 2024. The show saw Sana Makbul as its winner with Naezy and Ranvir Shorey turning out to be the first and second runner ups of the show. While the show has ended, makers have decided to continue to entertain the audience with the same pace by bringing BB 18 within a month now.
Also Read: BB OTT 3: Is Payal Malik PREGNANT? Armaan Malik ‘s wife REVEALS
Bigg Boss OTT Contestants Payal Malik Confirms Kritika’s Entry to BB 18
Amidst the constant rumors and speculations with different names swirling in the air, for BB 188, a new name has come up making headlines. Kritika Malik, who was seen on BB OTT 3 and became popular because of the contoversies caused inside the house can be seen in the Bigg Boss house Season 18.
In their recent vlog, Payal Malik who was also seen in Bigg Boss OTT 3, and is Armaan Malik’s first wife was seen saying that Kritika Malik has got an offer from the makers of BB 18. Payal also claims, that she feels that Kritika should not go because she has already stayed 40 days in the OTT house, and suggests her to rest and let Payal go instead of her. This has however led to Malik wives confusing fans but as far as the news is heard, there are high chances of Maliks entering the show. Earlier, many contestants from BB OTT 1 and 2 were also seen in the Colors TV’s Bigg Boss house.